Did You Know
There Is An Evergreen Book Niche That You Can Publish Into With Easy To Use Software?

Hi! My name is Ken.

I struggled for years trying to make money online. Sure I had some success with this thing and that training.

But you know what? I was spending more on products than I was earning back!

I tried it all - blogging, making review videos, affiliate marketing, eCommerce, and more.

I followed all the fads and chased all the profits that I was hearing about.

None of it worked.

I knew there a better way. I focused on one particular niche, and it worked!

     No WebSite Needed
     No List Needed
     No Barrier To Entry

Let me ask you..

Are you struggling to figure out this online earning stuff?
Have you tried program after program and got nowhere?

Then pay attention to this!:

Puzzle Book Mastery makes it easy to create puzzle books that you can publish, with the use of the proprietary software that comes inside the members area..

And that means you can start earning your own book royalties!

Sudoku puzzles are super popular. Cryptogram books sell steadily. Mazes are fun to do. Everyday millions of people work on word search puzzles and other games.

I too am a puzzle lover, but when I thought about how to actually create any puzzle books I was stumped. How can you create all these puzzles? Most puzzle books have hundreds of puzzles. It just seemed so hard to create any.

Then I had a 'duh' moment! Why not just program them? And so I did - I wrote custom software that makes puzzle books quickly and easily.
To prove to myself that this could work I created a few puzzle books using my software and uploaded them to Amazon. And holy smokes! - I was making money on my books.

I didn't really have any plans to make this software available to the public. I showed some friends what I was doing and they convinced me to release Puzzle Book Mastery.

Order Now - Get Started Today!

Look At These:

These are pages from actual books I created and sold on Amazon:
The software creates these in seconds!

PROBLEM! There has always been a problem creating puzzle books - it's hard to make them! Either you need to spend days if not weeks assembling puzzles. Or you need to hire an expensive freelancer. And that is just to create one book!

PROBLEM SOLVED! With the Puzzle Book Mastery software the heavy lifting is done for you.

Watch a puzzle book made in just seconds! ==>>

Introducing Puzzle Book Mastery

Puzzles books have so much going for them!

  • 1. The people who do these puzzles are passionate and many are repeat buyers.
  • 2. Selling them on Amazon costs you nothing. There is no fee to publish books on Amazon. You do split royalties with Amazon but that happens after you make a sale.
  • 3. Puzzle books sell all year long, and really crush it in the 4th quarter!

Order Now - Get Started Today!

What You're Getting With Puzzle Book Mastery

      Complete Training

      Unique Cloud Based Software

      Over The Shoulder Case Study

      Quick Start Cheatsheet

      Access To The Members Area

And these special bonuses:

      How To Use Canva Video Course

      Pack Of 10 Mazes - You Can Put In A Puzzle Book!

Puzzle Book Mastery takes you step by step -
everything you need to know is covered in the training.

FACT: People Love Puzzles

FACT: Many Puzzle Books Are Bestsellers

FACT: You Can Create Your First Puzzle Book Just Minutes From Now


If for any reason you are not satisfied
you may ask for a refund up to 30 days
from the date you made your purchase

Creative Things You Can Do With Puzzles:

            Use them for giveaways

            Market them on eBay, Etsy, and other specialized markets

            Sell to local businesses

            Engage people on social media

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of computer do I need?

Doesn't matter. The only thing required is a connection to the internet. This is cloud based - a website on the internet.

I don't know anything about puzzles? Can I still use this?

Of course! No previous knowledge about puzzles is needed. The training shows you everything, and the software creates the puzzles.

How much does it cost to publish a book on Amazon?

It doesn't cost anything. Amazon's Kindle Print platform is free to use. You will need to setup an account on Amazon so you can receive royalties from your book sales. Most people already have an Amazon account from shopping on their site.

What types of puzzles can I make?

Word search, number search, cryptograms, sudoku, word match, word scramble.

Will I be charged any monthly fees?

No, there are none.

Does the system create or provide book covers?

No. The system creates the puzzles and puts them into one or more PDF files. If you plan to sell on Amazon or similar platforms you will need a cover. There is training in the members area that shows how to create covers in Canva - an easy to use online graphics site.
If you are selling these elsewhere, giving them away, using them to get engagement on social media, you may not need a cover.

Are these eBooks?

No. Ebooks are digital. You can turn these into eBooks but that makes it difficult for people to do the puzzles. Instead make print books. Amazon has the KDP Print platform. Basically you upload two PDF files (the puzzles and the cover), and the book is published. People can then order it when shopping on Amazon. Amazon ships the book to the customer. You don't have to ship anything yourself.

What physical size are create with this software?

The software automates making books that are 8.5 x 11 inches. The books are PDFs which can be imported into other software and resized.

Am I allowed Commercial Use for activities and puzzles created by Puzzle Book Mastery?

Yes, all generated, downloadable content created or provided by the Puzzle Book Mastery system is full commercial use. Personal rights are granted for the use of the software and training itself. The software cannot be resold, however the puzzles and activities are yours to do what you wish with them

Are there any upsells?

Yes. Everything you need to start is in the main package. There is one optional upsell that includes DFY (done for you) word lists from which you can make your puzzles - this saves you alot of time! Also there is an export option that allows using the puzzles in other programs for full formatting control. Also there is additional training about how to make activity books.

How many puzzles or puzzle books can I make?

As many as you want. Unlimited.

Can I make children's books with this software?

Yes. Although this version of Puzzle Books Mastery is focused on adult level puzzles (word search in particular), the rest of the puzzles can create levels that are easy for children to use. Also, take a look at Kidz Puzzle Books

Can I make foreign language with this software?

Yes, but only if the words use letters found just in the English alphabet. It does not matter if the words are foreign as long as the letters do not have accent marks, tildes, etc.

Does the software create large print puzzles?

Amazon defines large print as having a font size of 16 points or larger. The output from the software varies per puzzle type. Cryptograms are large print. Word search puzzle grids are large print, while the search words themselves and the answer grids are not. Sudoku puzzles are large print while the answer grids are not.
Research shows that books with similar font size configurations are being marketed on Amazon as large print. This is a subjective decision you must make whether to market your books as large print.
Outside of Amazon, the output is fine to call large print.

Do I have to pay for advertising?

You do not need to buy advertising when publishing books on Amazon. It is recommended to try it as it will bring faster sales.

What is your refund policy?

You have 30 days to get a 100% refund.

How can I get support?

Contact puzzlebook@thinkdigital.freshdesk.com for technical or purchase issues.

Order Now - Get Started Today!

Ken Bluttman